Showing 1–20 of 75 results

Kuruva Rice

Kuruva rice has a high amount of fiber and protein. Moreover, Kuruva rice is rich in selenium which reduces the risk of developing common illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

Surekha Rice

The rice is very thin and long which enables it to get cooked faster. Surekha rice is a good source of fiber, calcium, potassium, and vitamin B-6.

Short Grain Matta Rice(Unda)

The fiber content in brown rice helps to lower cholesterol, it enhances effective waste movement through the digestive tract, promotes fullness, and may help prevent the formation of blood clots. Brown rice is considered a low "glycemic index" food

Ponni Rice

Ponni rice constitutes a vital role in your daily healthy diet. It holds enormous health benefits such as High fiber, Gluten-free, Low glycemic index, thereby lowering the impact of raised blood sugar, Lowers cholesterol.

Long Grain Matta Rice(Vadi)

The brown outer layer of Vadi matta rice contains various nutrients. One cup of Matta rice can contain 84 milligrams of magnesium and one gram of calcium. It also contains vitamins.

Kranthi Rice

Kranthi rice is well known for its round grain and natural aroma. The rice is rich in nutrition and also possesses a high source of carbohydrate.